"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power"-Lao Tzu
This card represents the results of power and determination, but it's the singular type of power that's so important here. When the Strength card appears in a reading, it guides us to be fuelled by power and strong will. However, the real beauty of the Strength card is that it speaks of our true inner strength and our ability to overcome trials and obstacles with real grace. This card is here to tell us that so many of us have passed great tests of endurance, stamina and persistence when faced with trials in the emotional, mental and physical aspects of our lives Our Strength card's position is a reflection of the recent past in this particular reading, but also brings advice for us in the present. Our greatest victory lies in using our intelligence and insight to persuade- and not in seeking to control others by force.
Strength can also be embodied by those who have the willpower to turn away from narratives of fear or choose not to focus on violence. No-one's suggesting we ignore the plight of our fellow humans. Just the opposite, in fact, This is the card of the diplomat, one who uses calm words and actions instead of harshness. The personal message to all of us here is we're in a time when we need to be conscious of not giving in to the more basic side of our natures. Detach from sources of fear as far as you can, practice mindful activities. Start and end your days by thinking of at least one thing or person in life that brings you gladness. The more energy that we can put into cultivating inner strength, there's more chance that our outer world will change for the better...
The Emperor
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” Thomas Jefferson
The Emperor both embodies and represents power and wisdom. In times of crisis, the Emperor will act to calm the fears of the masses and offer strong practical leadership. The card mirrors many people's profound desire for firm but fair leadership and we'll see the rise to power of new leaders with those political philosophies. If I were to sum up the energy of this card representing the direction of travel, I'd say it has huge potential to create calm out of chaos, but also to show compassion and care. We have known struggle and fear, but it seems we're at long last moving toward a time of more common sense and stability.
Another thing we may see in this January are huge reforms to the institutions of power, especially to those connected to governmental systems. Expect to hear about investigations into or deep scrutiny of those who hold or have held power. This spotlight will shine onto many institutions as well as individuals and is a process which will ripple out worldwide. We may even see that this kind of deep scrutiny and overdue calling to account will lead to the overthrow of regimes in some regions of the world. In those places, it will be the people who become the rulers....
The Seven Of Swords
"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that don't have brains enough to be honest" Benjamin Franklin
As the world undergoes several transfers of power this month, so a time of both vacillation and equivocation has ended. As regards the direction of nations, colours will now be firmly nailed to masts! January has us on the cusp of change and despite what may be happening on the surface in our world we need to be watchful for any manipulation and trickery. Be very mindful of the 'fear factor' and of those who may wish to spread it. When this card appears, be ready for those trying to spread misinformation or using outright threats in order to manipulate our emotions. Really try to remain conscious there may be hidden agendas at work and there are those who actively seek to undermine peaceful progress.
For the unwary, trickery in your personal life may catch you by surprise and create challenges this January. Prepare to stand very firmly in your beliefs and convictions. Even as the Seven of Swords card can be a warning to us, here it's presence also serves to motivate and encourage us to identify and assess potential threats before moving ahead with plans. It's always a good idea for anyone to have ‘worst-case scenario' preparations. So start 2025 by making clear 'battle plans' designed to deal with others who may try to take advantage of you. Begin this New Year as your smartest self!
The Star
"Hope is patience with the lamp lit"- Tertullian
January is that time of universal desire to embrace change and bravely venture into the future. This year there's a deep longing in the ether for freedom and liberation. Collective consciousness has now tipped and we're so, so ready to discard fear and throw off restriction. We've endured many challenges and it may be hard to adjust or to relax a little. So the advice - and possibly the challenge- from Spirit and in this Tarot message is to allow yourself to unclench, to let go and to make a space for hope to enter your soul again.
Many people felt as if events in our world were spiralling out of control. It may be that some of us felt as if we'd slipped into an alternate timeline or universe! Our lovely Star now brings renewal and recalibration. However, even with this rapidly swelling wave of relief and our beautiful Star guiding us to look forward with hope, remember that we got here by learning to prepare and to plan. So we still need to keep in mind that we have to help the Universe to help us! However, we have entered a time when people are able to embrace calm, take a breath and to genuinely seek out and speak truth. The Star's energy here is that of the seed of hope that has yet to grow into a substantial and beautiful flower - but know that it surely will.
Martine Alexis Clairvoyance
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